Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Rai Saligram's Catecism: Part 1

CATECISM by Rai Saligram, Swamiji's Successer


In this world, everything is unstable and transitory-subject to time and decay. Man shuns pain and seeks pleasure. Unaware of what constitutes real bliss and happiness, he regards the pleasures of his senses to be real happiness. Even the learned and intellectuals are engrossed in the sensual pleasures, and run after. name and fame. But these pleasures, as a matter of fact, are not available at all, or not available in full measure. One always remains obsessed by the fear of losing them. Also, by frequent enjoyment, these pleasures become stale and insipid, giving rise to desire and lust for more. If any dear and near one falls ill or is afflicted with some trouble, or dies, these very sensual pleasures turn sore and painful.

2. The source of all pleasures, happiness and enjoyments is our Surat (spirit), Rooh or Jivatma. When we put anything in our mouth, its taste is felt through the tongue. But the tongue is inert and lifeless. The current of our Surat (spirit) comes to it and contacts the article, and thus taste is obtained. Same is the case with all the sense-organs of perception and action. It is because of the presence of the current of spirit at a particular organ of sense that pleasure is obtained. If the current of Surat (spirit) does not flow to a sense organ, no taste will be felt at all. As for instance, in the state of coma or unconsciousness, when Surat (spirit) is withdrawn, no taste is experienced if anything is placed on the tongue..

3. In the state of dream, when no material objects are present and the organs of senses are also dormant, Surat (spirit) and mind, through their currents and internal sense organs, enjoy all pleasures. Physical ailments and troubles are not felt. In the two states of dream and sound sleep, the attention of the wordly people descends to lower centres and that of the practitioners of Surat Shabd Yoga rises upwards. Accordingly, if one, by any means, can create a state of dream in one's wakeful condition, then one can enjoy whatever pleasures one may like and can also escape the discomforts and worries of the world, for the duration that state lasts.

4. If one, by some means, rises to the centre or the seat of Surat (spirit), then, even without the help of any internal sense organ and without any effort or inconvenience, one can have whatever pleasure one desires, easily and in a high degree of purity and intensity. Surat (spirit) is a drop or a ray of the Ocean or Sun known as the Supreme Being Radhasoami. If it reaches, by some means, that Ocean or Sun, it can attain such an infinite and boundless bliss and joy as cannot be described.

5. The mode of acquiring this bliss, joy and happiness is called "Parmarth."

6. Sants call this mode the "Surat Shabd Yoga."

7. Unbiased persons, who read this pamphlet, can know how deep, strong and natural is the foundation of Sant Mat or Radhasoami Faith, which can be joined and adopted by the entire humanity. All persons, whether male or female, whether child, youth or old, of any religion or nationality, can be equally benefited from this Faith. General accord and friendly relations among the peoples of the world can be established, real detachment and renunciation from the world can be attained and true redemption and salvation can ultimately be achieved by following the path and practising the devotional mode taught and preached by Sant Mat or Radhasoami Faith.

Q. 1. What is Sant Mat or Radhasoami Faith ?
Ans. Sant Mat or Radhasoami Faith is the life of all religions of the world. It is the end of all learning and knowledge. It has been started by Sants in all compassion and kindness upon the Jivas (humanity). This is the religion, by following which, recognition of the Supreme Being Radhasoami can be had, way to reach Him can be learnt, secrets of the regions or stages on the Path can be obtained, and true bliss can be achieved. This Faith is meant especially for those persons who are anxious to meet the Supreme Being Radhasoami and who are desirous of the welfare and redemption of their soul. This religion will not benefit those, nor will they understand it, who are imbued with worldly desires, honour and reputation, or who have made religion a source of their livelihood, or for whom religious discussions are a pastime. Sants call this faith or religion "Surat Shabd Yoga".
Q. 2. What is Surat ?
Ans. As Sant Mat or Radhasoami Faith is the life of all religions, in the same way Surat is the life of all bodies and objects. It is called Rooh (spirit) or Jivatma (soul). All bodies, mind and senses are functioning by the vitality provided by Surat (spirit). It contains all learning and knowledge, and art and workmanship. Whoever earnestly and attentively takes up any work, and applies himself laboriously to it, acquires a lot of wonderous powers and succeeds in satisfying his desires. The seat of Surat (spirit) in the Pind (body) is behind the eyes, and its source is Adi Shabd (the first manifestation of the Supreme Being).
Q. 3. What is Adi Shabd ?
Ans. Adi Shabd is the Creator and Lord of all. This is also called Adi Nad (Prime Sound) or Avaz­i-ghaib (Sound from the Invisible). The Shabd or Word or Name which appeared from the region of the Vedas is called Anhad Shabd or Shabd Brahm. In Persian language, it is described as the Hukm-I-Malik (Command of the Lord) or Qudrat-i-kull (Omnipotence). It has been said in the Bible that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The efficacy of Shabd is laid in every religion, but its secrets and details are not to be found in the books of any of the religions. Sants alone have disclosed these in their compositions and discourses somewhere by hints and in esoteric language, and somewhere openly and clearly. Below are given the stages of Shabd.,
1. The highest and the topmost region, which, in fact, cannot be termed a region, is called Radhasoami, Anami (Nameless) and Akah (Indescribable). This is the beginning and end of all, and encompasses the entire creation. Everywhere it is, in essence, the mercy and energy of this region that are functioning. Here it was that Mauj arose in the beginning and came down as Shabd (Word). This is the abode of Param Sants. With the exception of rare Sants, no one had access to it. And one who has access there is Param Sant.
2. Below Radhasoami Pad (Abode), leaving two regions of Agam and Alakh in between, is the region of Sat Nam, i.e., Sat Lok. It is highly refulgent and pure. It is the baginning and end of the entire creation below it. In Sant Mat, it has been referred to as Sat Lok, Sach Khand, Maha Nad, Sar Shabd, Sat Nam and Sat Purush. Sat Purush is called true lord and creator, and He is ajar (undecaying), amar (undying) and avinashi
A wave. Supreme or Divine Will. Overflow of Grace and Mercy.


Anirudh Kumar Satsangi said...

Harmonization of microcosm with macrocosm is the basic teachings of Radhasoami Faith. For this, Living Guru, Surat Shabd Yoga, and Knowledge of Secrets of the Universe are essential. There are various types of meditation. Surat Shabd Yoga is one of them. Surat Shabd Yoga is a comprehensive package of meditation. It is, in fact, 3-in-One Type of Meditation System, superior to all other versions of meditation.

Anirudh Kumar Satsangi said...

Now I give Radhasoami Faith view of Creation Theory. In Sar Bachan (Poetry) composed by His Holiness Soamiji Maharaj the August Founder of Radhasoami Faith the details of creation and dissolution has been described very scientifically. It is written in this Holy Book: Only He Himself (Supreme Father)and none else was there. There issued forth a great current of spirituality, love and grace (In scientific terminology we may call this current as gravitational wave). This is called His Mauj (Divine Ordainment). This was the first manifestation of Supreme Being. This Divine Ordainment brought into being three regions, viz., Agam, Alakh, and Satnam of eternal bliss. Then a current emerged with a powerful sound. It brought forth the creation of seven Surats or currents of various shades and colours (in scientific terminology we may call it electromagnetic waves). Here the true Jaman or coagulant was given (in scientific terminology this coagulant may be called as weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force). Surats, among themselves, brought the creation into being.

These currents descended down further and brought the whole universe/multi verse into being i.e. black holes, galaxies etc. were born.