Saturday, March 16, 2024

Jim's Maze of Seeking God:

As a baby Christian, I was like a lamb being thrown to the wolves, when I first entered the Church arena, after becoming Born Again in April 1977, which changed me in to a “New Creation, crucified with Christ.”  I was “Baptised in The Holy Spirit” with evidence of speaking in tongues as per Acts. Chapter 4. In my mind’s eye I considered God the Father in the center of the Universe, with Jesus, the Christ, as the Intercessor between the Father and I. But, as I started to interact with other Christians, I started to add circles in my diagram branching out from the center, where the Father is located. In each of my circles, as I studied the different denominational dogmas, I circled Atonement; Righteousness; Eucharist, or Communion; Justification; Creator; Love; Grace; Faith; Mercy; Eternity; Immortality; Sin; Demons; Angels; Miracles; Church; Temple; Election; Predestination; Fate; Karma, Action or inaction; Reincarnation, Transmigration, Metempsychosis; Incarnation; and Resurrection, and last, but certainly not least, FORGIVENESS.

A couple years study of The Assemblies of God’s Berean Bible School earned me a Graduation Diploma, and a License to Preach by The A/G Denomination, and prayed for many Seekers to reveive the Baptism of The Holy Spirit as I had been gifted.  ( that initial Gift is what originally opened me up to “The Kingdom Within” that I became a member of. ) 

I ended up pastoring a small Assemblies of God Church in Laguna Beach, Ca. , that became much too controlled by the Parent A/G Org. and not allowing me to preach from my heart what I felt, but only their Dogma, so I resigned.

I then enrolled in a large Non-Denominational Seminary, was Ordained, while earning my B.Min., M.Min., and final Th.D. By that time, I was choked up on Fundamentalist Christian Dogma, and resigned from all Organisations and Credentials. It was a hard decision to part Company after all those years of hard work, study,  and monitary expenditures, but I am a Free Spirit that can not be harnessed and bridled by ANY Fundamentalist group of Over Seers!  

But, then, I started to venture off the beaten Fundamentalist track, and my search took me in many other directions included in the Maze of seeking God in new mysterious areas never before ventured.  

I studied Manly Palmer Hall’s writings, and attended many of his lectures, in person, when he was alive. He was the founder of Philosophical Research Society. I studied the writings of Douglas Baker, Barret, The Magus; Maurice Burke; Aurthur Edward Waite, Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine and Isis Unveiled; Alice Baily, Many Theosophy writings; Lost Continents of Atlantis and Lemuria; I read the entire Tome of the book called Urantia; as well as Eliphas Levi, Lewis Spence; the Matrix books of Val Valarien, Aliester Crowly, Edgar Cayce, which could all fall under the banner of Occultism, plus a Bibliography that could fill pages. All of no interest to non Seekers of the After Life. 

Then, I studied the UFO Sects, such as Shirley McLean; Schonfield; Erick Von Daniken; The Hollow Earth Theory; Zechariah Sitchen; Dr. Horn; and most of the main stream UFO Sects along with keeping up to dste with Dr. Richard Greer and Kerry Cassedy of Project Chamelot. 

Then, I also investigated Shamanism, starting with Terrence McKenna, progressing out to Spiritualism, Spiritism reading all of Allan Kardec’s book,  Channeling, and even read Anton LeVey’s Satanic Bible!

I checked out most of the Christian Cults, as well. Then of course, I subscribed to the Skeptical Enquirer, and gleaned the wit of Paul Kurtz and The Amazing Randy, while I was honing up on Col. Ingersol’s volumes of Atheist books. I fought my way through the maze of Roman Catholicism, wondering if I had made the correct move, when I ventured away from my Catholic roots, and ventured into Protestantism. 

Then, I had to be tossed back and forth as a ping pong ball between the Charismatic Pentecostals and Traditional mainline Fundamentalist Protestants. Then I had to decide between Historicity vs. myth vs. Tradition of the Bible. And, now allegory enters into the mix!

Once I found that Christianity gleaned the writings of Eastern religious writings, I was drawn into the maze of Eastern religions, simultaneously, while I was working through the ten year program of the Twelve Rosicrucian (AMORC) Degrees. Then, I took the Three Martinist Degrees as icing on the cake of the Esoteric Christian Maze.

I had to wade through, or sort out Eastern religions, other then the main stream Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, or Islam, I had to read Ram Dass, Charles Tart; study the drug Altered states of consciousness, read Benjamin Crème’s works; Sri Aurobindo; Nitananda; Yogananda; Dr. Paul Brunton; Muktananda; Satia Sai Baba; The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy; Rama Khristna Vedanta; Khrishna Consciousness; Meher Baba and the Sufi Mystic literature; Tibetan Buddhism and the Dali Lama ( Once saw him in person); Taoism; Confucianism; Shintoism; Essenes; Jainism; Transcendental Meditation; Egyptology; Judaism and the Kabbala; all leading me to the Radhasoami Sect! 

Then, after being initiated by Thakar Singh, then Charan Singh, I found myself into the Maze of historical bickering among the various Radhasoami Sects, each saying; My Master is the only Perfect Master, and all others are pseudo masters!” 

Along the way, while in the Maze, I had owned and read more Gnostic works than many could even imagine, and I went DEEPLY into both the Mormon religion, as well as Jehovah’s Witnesses. 

I owned the entire Nicene Church Father’s Series, all 50 plus volumes that ---- quotes from to support his Bible quotes. I have studied the Mind Science religions, such as Religious Science, Unity, and owned most of Ellen G. White’s works, including the 6 volume set of when she published editorials in the newspaper while she was alive. ( I donated most of my books to the local Library early 2023. I am no longer interested in other people’s experiences that I can’t access inside my own Kingdom Within.)  

Then, an exhaustive research of all Robert Monroes and TMI’S generous contributies after reading Monroe’s 3 books will never be forgotten. 

And, my dear friends and fellow Travelers, the above is only what comes to my immediate mind, of what I remember. I have bought, read, and sold and donated more books, in the past 40 years than the average Christian Church combined! ( Because most of them have not found the liberty to venture outside of their local Dogma.) Thank The Lord alone that my "Karma has run over my Dogma!!


Jim Sutherland, A work still in progress, as of 3/24

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Meditation for Neophytes, who have not found a satisfying Technique nor Teacher.

 I have been using the same Meditation Technique since April, 1988. I still meditate 2-3 hours daily, using exactly the same Technique that many Teachers still share with all their Initiates. NADA, ….i.e.  listening to the Sound. In the Initiation I took in 1988,  we were told there are 10 or more sounds, but were asked to focus on only two., i.e. the Conch, ( a big Sea shell ) and the Bell. Actually, the Conch sounds like a big sea shell, when lightly plugging the right ear with the thumb. It also sounds like Jet Engines when flying. But that is no longer needed once the Ringing Radiance of the Bell is heard. Seasoned Initiates usually hear the Bell 24/7. The Path of The Masters, or NADA Yoga, is the Path of the Sound Current. ALL Lights, and Visuals originate from the Sound Current, which is called by many different Names by various Sects. 

When initiated in to this Sound & Light Meditation, we were instructed to spend 3/4 of first time, focusing at the 3rd Eye, looking in to the black Void, while doing “Simran”, which means Repetition of the Mantra we ALL were given, as Initiates of this lineage of Living Masters. During this time doing Simran,  the very same internal visions at the forehead, inside, is duplicated in almost every “ successful” Meditation, by ALL Initiates of this Lineage , who took the Vows , and continue to do their best to keep them to their ability. The internal Signs are specs and flashes of silver white light, of various shapes, then a golden Sun or Sphere, which then forms a Silver White Moon inside, or within the Sun, ......until the Golden Sun dissolves , leaving only the Moon,....until it morphs in to a swirling Silver White rotating Cloud, with a black hole in the center that either sucks you in, or you rapidly fly thru the black hole to rest in the Black Void, where all visuals and sounds cease. This is the Region of Samadhi , of Hindus, Nirvana of the Buddhists, Sat Nam of the Sikhs, Shekhena Glory of the Hebrews, Heaven of the Christians, or Sach Khand of the Radhasoamis, or the I AM THAT of the Advaitists. Only Awareness remains there.  Only the “Observer”views all observed material impermanent visions , of people, places and things, But this “death” in this Void, is only temporary, while traveling there to die while living, ......until the physical body dies, and the knotted mind/soul remains in the Void , until Reincarnation back in to Duality, ( to further become Missionaries of our Higher Soul Selves to balance Karmas.) , or ascend to higher Spiritual Regions and remain for further merging in to the Observer. .  During Meditation, after the 3/4 time is completed doing Simran, or Mantra repetition, silently, , focused at the forehead behind the eyes,  ( For Initiates, we ALL use the same Mantra, but for those not initiated, I suggest using your own favorite Mantras during Simran)    , then comes the time to devote the last 1/4 time to doing listening to the Sound, or the Ringing Radiance of the Audible Life Stream. This is similar to doing “Mindful Meditation” while listening to the Sound. Using a Recliner Chair, as I do, its  very easy and practical to raise my knees up far enough to support resting my elbows on my knees, instead of sitting on the ground, or floor in the Indian Squat position we were shown at Initiation. Or, using the T - Stick to support the elbows as Yogananda taught in his Home Study Lessons. In the Recliner, minimal change of position, or interfering with exiting Samadhi, or the Void , interferes with transition from Simran to Bahjun. Once the elbows are resting on the Knees, then, the RIGHT Thumb LIGHTLY plugs the hole of the RIGHT EAR, ( experiment with how much pressure is needed to listen to the variance in Sounds). The LEFT thumb should NOT plug the left ear, but only rest on the ear flap. The reason only the right ear is plugged, is that we are instructed to listen to the sounds coming from the right of the 3rd eye first, until it centers in the middle. Now, we were told that there may be 10 different Sounds, but once the right ear is plugged, the TWO Sounds to listen for , is first, the Conch, ( sounds like large sea shell, or roaring wind, or Jet engine while flying),......until the Sound becomes the ringing Radiance of the Bell tone, with out any breaks in the Ringgging! Once this Rinnnngggging Sound has been reached, most Initiates continue hearing the ringing Radiance 24/7 when ever the mind is unoccupied by work, or normal duties. THEN the Visuals of people, places, and things start being visualized, inside the Astral Realms. From here, all of our experiences are different, and vary, depending on our past lives, memories, and Samsaras and Karmas. Hope this helps my Fellow Travelers in the Journey of Souls.
  Here are a few more tips, for accessing the Astral Planes for new Initiates, or Meditators. It really doesn’t matter who your Master or Lineage happens to be, as long as you are using the NADA Meditation Technique, focusing at the black Void at the Third Eye , while doing Mantra Simran, or Repetition.  Before the whirling Silver White Multi-pointed Diamond appears, it usually first manifests as a greyish white cloud. To increase the size and clarity of the cloud, after it appears inside the forehead,  move the cloud up to the Crown Chakra for a few seconds, by raising your physical eyes up, but kept closed, then back to the center; then down towards the heart for a few seconds, then, back to the center; then to the right for a few seconds, then back to the center; then to the left and back to the center. Continue to manipulate the cloud like this several more times until it will SEEM to disappear! But don’t quit doing repetition or Simran. The cloud has not disappeared. What is happening is, YOU have entered the Cloud, and should now be watching for the Silver White Star Gate inside the Cloud. Then, as you keep focusing at the tiny black hole in the center of the Star,....either you will travel through the Star in to the Astral Plane, or it will seem to travel towards you, engulfing you. Once your in the Astral Planes, all experiences will be unique and individual ,depending on your individual Karmas. Bon Voyage of becoming the Observer of the observed! 
Jim Sutherland

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


Hi All,.....and any other Soul Traveler that has the Map to where our “True Home” really is located, where we were, before we traveled here to this “Far Country” to become Prodigal Sons, ending up like this Man, suffering, yet still not wanting to leave, because of still, after living to be 97 years young, doesn’t know any place better to go! 
I feel sorry for him, because I think we ALL are much closer to his position, if we live that long, regarding what we write, preach, share, with others, while hiding our real realities beneath our Earth suits and masks! We write and share what we imagine, not realities! But who among us are absolutely certain that there really is, a True Home, where we are destined to return, where we no longer need to compete for survival, love, etc., among the unending things thrust upon us the moment we were ejected out of the Womb and have been competing to survive to avoid the Tomb? 
  In Meditation this morning, I projected a real important question, to my Higher Soul Self,.........IF,......Jim is really a Missionary sent to scout just where such a True Home could possibly be, for this spirit that uses the Consciousness animating the Entity tapping these keys right now, Asking for the location of such a True Home,  on any map, where I, Jim, could travel to, and remain, for Eternity, where I could never again be rejected, by any other Entity, nor be forced to compete, for every thing all other entities also strive for, and don’t know where to find it.
  Keeping it real, I don’t know about any other Reader here, but speaking for my self, If there is such a Place as Heaven, Paradise, or any of the other places Religions and Sects claim is where only THEY, the “saved” ones, like them, of course go, than in my 78 years, I have yet to know of such a place where I would choose any group of like minded people I have ever met, to spend Eternity with , that would make me feel like I would never want to leave again. I obviously was never in such a place ever, or I would have never chosen to leave. 

   Jim Sutherland

Friday, November 16, 2018

Advaita Vedanta Oneness teachings mock and challenge Supreme GOD, Who is NOT Brahma or Vedanta Turiya.

 Here is my take on Advaita Vedanta Oneness teachings. Advaita Vedanta Teachers who follow Ramana, Niz, etc., that presently created a host of Neo-Advaita Oneness teachings of “ I AM THAT” , who have decided that they were , and are, GOD. Of course, no one has ever been able to know exactly WHO, or WHAT God is, other than ultimately the beginninig and ending of Awareness or Consciousness. And Consciousness is not God , Who has been described as the Ocean, Fire, Light, by Mystics , who claim to be One and the Same. I have never subscribed to such an egotistic belief system,  because,.........

   “i” am NOT God! I never was, am not now, and never will be! I do identify as Turiya, i.e. an agent of Universal Mind , but certainly not the Supreme Creator of Braham , and all forms assigned to Braham’s Dominion, which includes Turiya in Waking, Dreaming, and Deep sleep while incarnated in human forms. 

“i” am not a drop of the Ocean, WHO IS God. “i” am a creation of God, The Ocean, that unlike God, Who had no beginning, Alpha, nor will have no end, Omega, HAS had a beginning, when God, the Ocean , created “me”, the Soul that now temporarily manifests as the identity of Jim Sutherland. Jim’s soul , or drop, is an OFF SPRING of Ocean Soul, ....not the ONE and only Ocean SOUL. 

Shankaracharya says:
Oh Lord, although there is no difference between you and me, yet I am yours and you are not me! Why? The waves arise from the ocean but the ocean does not come out of the waves

Jim’s created soul, had a beginning, but it has no end, once created. It is now Eternal since creation, but has, and will continue to manifest through unending multitudes of impermanent, changing, Vehicles of Consciousness , using Containers, manifesting in The Wheel of 84, or The Hindu Charausi, i.e. 8,400,000 possible physical Species in the Universe. 

The Created Soul that has manifested and lived in The Wheel of 84 since being  created by God, from Amoebas to the present Container Temple of Jim Sutherland, and will continue to manifest in future unknown Containers, for Eternity, is unknown by “me”, the soul , and is only known by The Creator, Who is Christ, Who is also known by other Names and Identities, such as Anami Purush, 
Radhasoami, God, The Holy Spirit, Source, Universe, etc, with a List that is unending, depending on individual imagination. 

“i”, the Soul presently manifesting as Jim, will NEVER completely merge with God, or become a completely dissolved drop merging back to the Ocean, as Vedanta Advaitist teachers mistakingly teach, because “i” was never the Ocean, or God. “i” was only an individual creation by God, that became a drop in the Mind of God, as Kal ( Universal Mind; Time; Braham; Satan; Demiurge, was also created by God, to become Universal Mind, or the Hindu Brahm, the Agent of ALL minds, including not only mine, but every mind in The Wheel of 84, Charausi! Kal is the Prison Warden that has been created by GOD to incarcerate all souls created that have been Projected to the Matrix of TIME.  

Any Drop that completely merges in to the Ocean, is annihilated, as far as individual Duality is concerned, and commits Spiritual suicide by claiming to be God in human form! 

No doubt, God is in all of us, as Christ, and We are in Him, but will always remain in Duality for Eternity as created Individual souls have lived in Charausi , progressing to present, with out ever being sentenced to Annihilation by God , as drops merging completely back to the Ocean.

God has a Chain of Command He uses to draw his created souls back to the Cradle of Creation, where they may enjoy His Ocean of Glory, with out annihilating their Duality.

Spiritual Seekers are those created souls who have tired of experiencing the adventures in the Play of Consciousness, and are becoming detached from the impermanent enticements of the Sensory pleasures of the material world of Duality.  

But, escaping the world of Duality, permanently, with out being annihilated, as taught by Vedanta Advaitists, is impossible, because according to the Bible, only God Alone knows all the secrets, and the Prophets, Masters, Avatars, only know the secrets God reveals to each of them, in Duality, as individuals. 

If this is not so, there would be no secrets, and we would all know each other's thoughts and desires, actions, histories, since bring created, and we don’t, NONE of us, including Masters, Teachers, Avatars, Saviors or Mediums. 

I consider “my” self, as the present culmination of all of the same Soul  that has lived numerous past lives in Charausi since being created by God , a projection of my Higher Soul Self, that is now a Multidimensional Consciousness, with the present identity of Jim Sutherland, now in Duality, as having started in Duality at the time “i” was created by Christ, The WORD made flesh of John 1:1, i.e. God.

“I” will Eternally remain in Duality, as long as Consciousness of awareness is retained, but have been given the Keys of Knowledge , which is the Technique of The Science of The Soul, which may be used to escape the horrors and suffering of Charausi , when ever “i” choose to use the Prescription administered by Master to temporarily rest in the Glory of Bliss of Samadhi in Anami.

Drops never completely merge in to the Ocean with out becoming annihilated. 

But, Drops may sail on The Ocean , enjoying the Sights, Sounds, Lights, Bliss, by taking refuge on various Cruise ships, which are Masters of various Lineages , or Cruise lines. 

The Masters are the Cruise Ships escorting Spiritual Seekers on Adventures enjoyed and experienced ON, the Ocean, but not IN the Ocean, unless those souls manifesting in human forms desire to become souls in Aquatic Sea living forms. 

Individual Saints, or Spiritual Seekers, on individual Paths of Duality, seek God by sailing the God Ocean only by sailing on the Surface , in various mixtures of Material/Spiritual Life Support Vehicles such ad Kayaks, Canoes, Rafts, Yachts, etc.

But Masters, are the Cruise Ships, that escort and ferry Seeker Souls through the Multidimensional Planes of Consciousness on the Ocean of Christ. 

Kal, i.e. Satan, is God’s created Agent of Time, in Duality, who is the Annihilatior of all souls who seek to venture in to the Ocean , as drops are obviously, timeless, individual creations that sail and ride the Ocean of Christ . Kal’s Agents are human Battle Ships, Submarines, loaded with poisonous demolition propaganda, used to annihilate Souls in Duality , that have ventured from Heaven/ Paradis/Sach Khand to enjoy the Play of Consciousness with out loosing Awareness or Individuality.

Caveat Emptor!  ( let the Seeker Beware ) 
Jim Sutherland

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Monday, October 15, 2018

Being in the right place at the right time

Dear Souls,
  Its been awile since I have had any thing unusual to share, but I shared this experience on my Facebook site with the few friends I have there, and decided to share it here as well.
  I just returned a couple of weeks ago from a 20 day trip that took me to the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, and the Check Republic. These were all new places I had never visited before. Other than visiting many Christian Churches in each city I toured, I felt Spiritually disconnented from my usual Samadhi experiences when I am home, because when traveling, my Meditation disapline is non existant, because of the travel. So, other than a normal Travel Log, I have nothing sgnifically Spiritual to report. In fact, l was feeling useless to the world, when I got home.
  When home, I keep from stayimg bored between Meditation times by a daily cruise on either my Can-Am Spyder Trike, or my Harley Motorcycle for 2-3 hours daily when its not raining. So, on my very first day back from my 20 day trip, I decided to take my Spyder out for a Cruise. Here was what happend!
    I happened to be in the right place at the right time!! I took a cruise on my Spyder today, and came around a corner on a narrow country road, and saw an over turned car on its top, with smoke coming out of the engine, rear wheels still turning, and glass all over the road. No one around. I secured my Spyder, ran to the car, and tried to open the passengers door, but could not. The driver was a female caught up side down and could not unlock her seat belt. She was on her cell phone with her mother, and was crying, and saying she was sorry. I finally got the driver’s side door open a couple of feet. She kept saying,....”Please help me, please help me, I’m so scared. “ All I could see was her legs, as she was up side down strapped in. She said her seat belt would not unbuckle. I don’t know how long she had been there, but she was on her cell phone with her mother who must have been trying to call the Police. I was touching her arm, and trying to calm her down as I was trying to reach over her to locate the seat belt buckle. I could not, as it must have been under her body. Also, I could not get to the Ignition Fob to shut off the motor, as her body was in the way. Then, a car stopped and a man ran out to help me. I quickly told him she was alone, and I couldn’t get her unbuckled, he had a pocket knife, and handed it to me and told me to cut the straps. I started cutting, and when half way thru, told her to get ready to drop when I cut the strap. She did drop, so now I could see her face, but both legs and feet were stuck inside. I pried one foot out first, hoping the car wouldn’t explode, then got one leg out side of the car. She was spread eagled, and still stuck! I then crawled far enough in to the smoking car to get a hold of her other leg. I pried on it until her foot came loose, then I got her other leg out and grabbed both legs and drug her out of the car. I was still concerned the car might explode, so wanted to get her away from the car. The other man helped me get her to her feet, and she was able to walk with us to the other side of the road. She gave me the biggest hug I got in a long time, and didn’t want to let go, as she kept repeating,....” Oh Thank You Sir, Oh Thank You Sir, thank God, Thank God.” I found a safe place to sit her on side of the road, away from the car, and told her to stay there. I then went back to the car and crawled back in and found the Ignition Fob and shut off the engine, but I could not get it out of the car, but at least the engine quit running and smoking. Mean while, several more Vehicles were at the scene, with a couple directing traffic over the broken glass. Finally two Rescue guys showed up, and took over. The first asked if she was hurt and she said she didn’t think so. ( a Miracle! ) then he asked her name, and she told him. He asked her old old she was. She answered,....I am 18, TODAY! Its my  Birthday!” Then,....a woman came running thru the crowd and dived through falling on her knees crying, and buried her head on to her Daughter’s lap, ( it was her Mom ) and they were both crying. Then, the State Trooper appeared asking for witnesses . No one, included me saw it happen. I told him I was the first one there, and how I had gotten her out of her car. He said,....”Thanks for stopping and helping her, Sir, your a good man.” I thanked him, and said any one would have done the same. He then told me I was free to go. The Ambulance was on the way to take her to ER for evaluation. So, just another dull day in the life of an old Geezer. A week ago,  my Harley broke down, and I almost hit a Bear with it! Its in the Shop for diagnosis. I am glad I had the Spyder today.
  Until we meet again, be well.
   Eternal Flame

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Countries we have toured since Aug. 2012, after retirement.

Countries We've Visited: 
Andorra, Antigua, Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Bhutan, Brazil, Canada, Chili, China, Columbia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Curaçao, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Vatican City (Holly See) Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, Nepal, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Palestinian Territories, Panama, Portugal, Russia, Saint Kitts, Saint Lucia, San Marino, Singapore, Saint Maarten, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, Tuvalu, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, United States, China, Tibet, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slavakia, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Touring Tibet & China

Hi Y’Alll,.....
  I just returned a few days ago from touring China for two weeks , and Tibet for three days. So, I want to post a few comments about my Spiritual experiences I found there, in order to stay current. ( I did not feel very spiritual there!) 
 Actually, seeing the Dali Lama’s Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet, is the last place on my Bucket List I really wanted to see before I die. So, now, The Lord has given me the Grace to make it happen, and I am grateful. 
  It was a good trip, with sunny days every day except our last day in Shanghai, China where we got a little rain. We visited Beijing, and did all of the Tourist tours, such as the Forbidden City, Great Wall, and saw the Terre Cotta Soldiers in Xian. We also took a 6 day Cruise down the Yahtzi  River, and toured the cities along the way. 
 The Altitude of 12,400 feet at the Potala Palace made it difficult to breath. The air inside the Palace was rancid, because many Wax Candles were burning inside, along with Incense, sucking out the little remaining Oxygen and there was lots of air born dust and particulate from the candle wax and dust inside. Every thing inside was old, and not well maintained. Over all, I was not very impressed with what I saw. I doubt the Dali Lama would really desire to return and live there, in spite of his Political talk. He left there at age 25 and has a much better life now, where he is in India. Lhasa has been modernized a lot, since the Chinese took it over. They built a nice Airport and a lot of new Infrastructure. 
 We also visited the Monastery, where Monks are still living and studying, and also we visited a Nunnery. Its a hard life living there, in that high altitude, and it requires a lot of extra energy to even walk, much less feel comfortable. We were about 100 in our group, and all of us felt bad, but many vomited, and had to go to the Clinic and get treated interveniously. My wife and I were on Prescription Medication, but we still had headaches, and nasal dripping constantly. We all felt much better after we descended the Altitude. 
 We watched the Monks debate each other, in the Monastery Court Yard, with their hands clapping. Fun to watch. Many Pilgrims were prostrating outside , which many did for miles traveling from their Villages. In Summary, Tibetan  Buddhism requires a much different Faith than I have, but each to their own. 
 As for China, there are 1.6  billion people there,  spread out across the country,  with Buddhism, Taoism, and a small amount of Christians and Jews. But the Chinese Govt. Keeps all Religeons separated completely from their Politics. But there seems to be freedom of religion, as long as it does not enter Politics. 
 China is growing rapidly, and grew 10% yearly for ten years in a row, so the large Cities are clean, and modern. New Building construction is going up all over, and the Apartment High rises look like another planet! The Communist Govt. owns all of the land, but leases parcels for private and commercial buildings for 70 year leases. It seems to be working  quite well, because there is a building Boom! There are also mostly, new cars, with the same makes we have in the U.S. The traffic is heavy, in the cities, but no worse than our large cities. 
 All in all, China and Tibet were great to visit, ...but there is no place I’d rather be than right here in Virginia, the good old USA! 

Until we meet again, I remain,...
Eternal Flame